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My singing career actually had its roots in the music of Christmas. As in so many other families, Christmas Eve in the Bemis home has always been a very special night. As long as I can remember, my brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews, friends, and of course my mom, have gathered to celebrate and observe this most holy and magical eve. After enjoying an array of traditional Christmas delicacies, sharing stories, and in general "catching up" on what we have been doing for the past year, I sit at the piano and play, while young and old sing the beautiful carols that we all know and love. "O Come, All Ye Faithful" leads off the songfest, which concludes with "Silent Night." Usually a tear or two accompanies the beautiful harmonies, as we remember those who are no longer with us. I hope this album becomes a part of your holiday celebrations for years to come. Merry Christmas !