Chlorella tablets (400 count, 250mg each), cold-pressed, 100% raw and pure, Raw Power

Product ID : 18795235

Galleon Product ID 18795235
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About Chlorella Tablets

Our chlorella is a strain known as chlorella pyrenoidosa (the highest-quality and most potent strain of chlorella), and is 100% pure, with no sprays, chemicals, fillers, binding agents, additives, etc. at all. Chlorella are microscopic plants that grow in fresh water. Nutritionally dense, chlorella contains vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, chlorophyl, a vast array of phytonutrients, and is high in digestible protein. * Many nutritionists and health advocates who have researched chlorella think it is one of nature's "perfect foods." Do a little research yourself, and find out about all the nutritional benefits chlorella has to offer. (It is no coincidence that chlorella is the first ingredient in many high-quality vitamin, multi-vitamin, and mineral products.) * Ingredients: pure, organic broken-cell-wall chlorella, cold-pressed into tablets (no fillers, no binders) * Each tablet is 250mg. 400 tablets per bag = 100 grams. * These small tablets are easy to take with water, smoothies, or juices. * Also available: Item #0556: Thor's Hammer, pressed tablets (1000 count, 250g, pure chlorella/pure spirulina mix) * Raw Power Brand Raw/Organic Foods and Whole-Food Supplements are regularly laboratory tested for purity, and are guaranteed to be the highest-quality, cleanest, most nutrient-dense food products available in the world marketplace today. When you see the Raw Power label, you can rest assured that you are getting the very best. * Recommended Reading: Book: Raw Power! by Thor Bazler