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Product Description Open toe caged sandal with block heel and studded trim detail Sandalia jaulada con puntera abierta con tacón de bloque y detalle de ribete tachonado סנדל כלוב בוהן פתוח עם עקב בלוק ועיטור משובץ Offene Zehenpartie mit Blockabsatz und Nietenverzierung صندل بقفص مفتوح عند الأصابع مع كعب عريض وتفاصيل مزخرفة Sandália de bico aberto com salto em bloco e detalhe de acabamento cravejado 露趾籠形涼鞋,粗跟和鉚釘裝飾細節 露趾笼式凉鞋,粗跟和铆钉装饰细节 블록 힐과 스터드 트림 디테일이 있는 오픈 토 케이지 샌들 From the Manufacturer Chinese Laundry launched in 1982 with a collection of fashion forward footwear targeted to the young women's market. From stylish daytime looks in innovative fabrics and leathers, to evening collections in dressy metallics and iridescents, Chinese Laundry continues to create and deliver style and fashion at an affordable price. Chinese Laundry has carved a niche for itself in today's competitive market and is available in better department and specialty stores nationwide.