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Chinese Auricular Acupuncture provides students and practitioners with a clear, concise, and user-friendly manual on ear acupuncture. It reduces the need for memorization by presenting a method of ear acupuncture that is in keeping with the underpinnings of traditional Chinese medicine. The book can be independently studied and easily used to treat various diseases. It covers ear modalities such as needles, press tacks, seeds and incorporates actual cases from clinical practice to illustrate the clinical applicability of specific modalities and ear acupuncture points. A section on ear diagnosis allows you to supplement your assessment of the pulse, tongue, and hara, thus improving your ability to differentiate the functional basis of imbalance and illness. This edition includes five new chapters on the multiple use of auricular points, prescriptionology practice, common ear questions, new research, and ethical issues. It contains detailed tables and photographs that aid understanding and includes an extensive and updated bibliography. The greatest strength of this book is its user friendliness, which allows both the beginning student and the experienced practitioner to successfully apply auricular medicine in the treatment of their patients in a caring, relatively noninvasive, and effective manner.