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Bilingual English German book for children (Parallel Text) Easter for kids This is a beautifully illustrated story (Bilingual German) to teach kids to ‘never give up’. Full length Easter picture book (German English Bilingual) for Children Ages 3-9. Read this hilarious kids book with full length color illustrations about Jojo, a naughty baby elephant calf. Easter is here! In the jungle, Jojo, the elephant calf is very excited to go on his first Easter Egg hunt. This fast paced book begins when Jojo who runs off to find Easter eggs. But he has no idea what an Easter Egg looks like. Will Jojo’s wild egg chase land him in trouble? It could be a case of mistaken ‘eggdentity’. Read this sweet little picture book to find out ... He is even willing to climb trees, swim in water to win the Easter Egg hunt ... Read this cute story about Jojo’s misadventures as he goes looking for eggs on land, air and water. His hilarious attempts to collect Easter eggs will have your children squealing with delight. In the end, it all works out for Jojo, when he meets a special friend. Can you guess who? This sweet story has beautiful full length illustrations, humor and values like helping others and never giving up. Even Reluctant readers will love this cheerful book. Happy Easter! You don’t have to wait for Easter to read this delightful book about how Winners never quit! This humorous story hopes to capture the spirit of perseverance and the joy of friendship and sharing. You could talk to your children about keeping at something until they get it! A positive and feel good story with beautiful illustrations will keep your child's interest for bedtime reading. They can read along with the parent about Jojo and his wonderful friends and family. Cheerful illustrations are on every page to make this heartwarming story very interesting for children. Sujatha Lalgudi is a Best selling children's book author and illustrator. Jojo's Playful day Ben and Gwen play the game of Opposites Finger counting fun My Daddy is the best Gifts for you, Mama Where is the baby Where is the Turkey Where is Santa Ein Bilderbuch mit vielen farbigen Illustrationen Der Kinderbuch zum Lesen und Vorlesen Empfohlen für von 4-8 Jahren Jojo sucht Ostereier Es ist Ostern. Geh auf die abenteuerliche Suche nach den Ostereiern! Im Dschungel ist Ostern. Jojo, der kleine Elefant ist ganz gespannt auf seine erste Ostereiersuche. Aber er weiss noch garnicht, wie Ostereier aussehen. Wird Jojos wilde Ostereiersuche ihn in Schwierigkeiten bringen? Lest diese lustige Geschichte über Jojos Missgeschicke, als er überall nach Ostereiern sucht - unten auf dem Boden, hoch in den Bäumen und am Wasser. Am Ende wird alles gut für Jojo, als er einen ganz besonderen Hasen trifft. Wisst ihr welchen? Diese niedliche Geschichte ist hübsch gezeichnet, humorvoll erzählt und zeigt nebenbei auf, wie man anderen hilft und nicht aufgibt, wenn es mal schlecht läuft. Frohe Ostern! Wunderschön illustriertes Buch für Kleinkinder und Kinder. Tags: Bilingual Children's Books, German children's books, children's German, German English bilingual, Bilingual Books, German Bilingual, Bilingual Education, Foreign Language Learning, ESL, English as a Second Language, ESL for Children, ESL for Kids, ESL Teaching Materials, EFL, English as a Foreign Language, EFL Books, EFL for Children, ELL, English Language Learner, EAL, English as an Additional Language, Children's Picture Book, Bilingual German,Dual Language, Foreign Language Study, ESOL, English for Speakers of Other Languages, german-english, english-german, german kids, german children