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The Chef'sChoice commercial electric knife sharpener model 2000 is a high-performance NSF certified sharpener developed especially for use in heavy duty commercial kitchen use in restaurants, Hotels, food service establishments, clubs and grocery chains. It's easy to use and creates a longer-lasting, sharper cutting edge. knives become dull, not because the edge wears away and becomes blunt but because the edge folds over. The model 2000 uses a 2-Stage process To create an arch-shaped edge which resists folding (stays sharp) up to three times longer than conventional hollow-ground or "v"-shaped edges. In addition, the Chef'sChoice sharpener creates microscopic grooves along the Facets of the ultra sharp fine edge that give the knife extraordinary "bite. " this special edge helps take the drudgery out of prep table and routine chopping chores because it combines the smooth cutting of a keen fine edge with the lateral cutting action of the microgroove facets. how it works: in stage 1, rotating cone-shaped disks plated with 100-percent diamond abrasives remove the old weak edge and produce the first bevel. Simultaneously, microscopic grooves are created along each facet. In the second (honing) stage, rotating cone-shaped polymer disks containing a proprietary mix of ultra-fine abrasives Polish the edge creating the second bevel and a burr-free ultra-sharp, 20 Degree edge. These polymer disks act much like a Barber strop to finely hone the knife edge. The honing stage retains the microgrooves created in stage 1 giving the edge remarkable "bite. "