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Lead Free ECO-friendlyDecorative,Crack-free products, can be assured for microwave ovens and dishwasher. All the products is Sold and Shipped by Handmade CeladonPlease check before place order Long-quan celadon represents the Ancient highest Porcelain Technology level, Exquisite handiwork, delicate。Longquan celadon is clay as raw material, Does not contain lead, mercury and other chemicals After 1300 degrees Celsius firing of healthy kitchen supplies, The surface has a layer of glass glaze. Please pay attention:The goods sold in our shop, Decorative cracked products, is not recommended for long-term use for microwave ovens, Decorative crack-free products, can be assured for microwave ovens and dishwasher.delicate。Longquan celadon is clay as raw material, Does not contain lead, mercury and other chemicals After 1300 degrees Celsius firing of healthy kitchen supplies, The surface has a layer of glass glaze. Please pay attention:The goods sold in our shop, Decorative cracked products, is not recommended for long-term use for microwave ovens, Decorative crack-free products, can be assured for microwave ovens and dishwasher.