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***Ace the CDL Exam and Get the Results You Deserve*** The CDL exam is a challenging test and your results can make a huge difference when it comes to your future. If you do well on the exam, it can open doors and lead to wonderful opportunities. If you do poorly on the exam, you will find yourself with a lot fewer options. You may have to put your plans for the future on hold, or even give up on them altogether. Preparing for your exam with our CDL Exam Flashcard Study System can help you avoid this fate and give you a big advantage when you sit down to take the test. Thousands of satisfied customers have relied on Mometrix Flashcards to help them pass their exam, and now you can too. When you study with these flashcards, you'll get an in-depth review of each section on the CDL exam. The General Information section covers: Getting your CDL Serious violations The General Knowledge section covers: Inspection of vehicle Emergency equipment Steps for vehicle inspection The Basic Control of Your Vehicle section covers: Skills Shifting gears Backing safely Mirrors The Communication section covers: Signaling The Space Management section covers: Space ahead Speed and stopping Braking Steering to avoid crashing The Hazardous Conditions section covers: Night driving Cold weather driving Safe speed Equipment failures Crashes Hazardous materials ...and much more! We believe in delivering lots of value for your money, so the CDL Exam Flashcard Study System is packed with the critical information you'll need to master in order to ace the CDL exam. Study after study has shown that spaced repetition is the most effective form of learning, and nothing beats flashcards when it comes to making repetitive learning fun and fast. CDL Exam F