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NOTE: According to reviews from our customers, there are some disgusting sellers with counterfeit beads on our page cheating our customers. Firstly please accept our sincere apology for your any dissatisfaction with the bad shopping experience. Secondly we have tried to report it to amazon. Please make sure to place orders from the only one authorized seller and manufacturer CarpenterC for excellent products and customer service. Lastly if you have purchased beads from other sellers, you are welcomed to contact us for a pack of real CarpenterC beads free. Let’s refuse the counterfeit products together on amazon. Any ideas, please do not be hesitated to contact us, CarpenterC. Thank you! About CarpenterC: As a professional company, we are focusing on wooden arts, crafts and meterials, such as raw woods, beads, statues and decorations, by both retail and wholesale. If you have any requirement of customization, ideas or any dissatisfaction, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!