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Card List: 1. The Sun 2. The Moon 3. Phobos 4. Deimos 5. Io 6. Europa 7. Ganymede 8. Callisto 9. Mimas 10. Enceladus 11. Titan 12. Mercury 13. Venus 14. The Earth 15. Mars 16. Jupiter 17. Saturn 18. Uranus 19. Neptune 20. Pluto 21. Ceres 22. 2 Pallas 23. 3 Juno 24. 4 Vesta 25. Makemake 26. Eris 27. Halley's Comet 28. Milky Way Galaxy 29. Large Magellanic Cloud 30. Small Magellanic Cloud 31. Andromeda Galaxy 32. Triangulum Galaxy 33. Centaurus A 34. Bode's Galaxy 35. Sculptor Galaxy 36. Southern Pinwheel Galaxy 37. Pinwheel Galaxy 38. Pleiades 39. Messier 69 40. Horsehead Nebula 41. Helix Nebula 42. Carina Nebula 43. Cat's Eye Nebula 44. Crab Nebula 45. Boomerang Nebula 46. Rosette Nebula 47. Supernova 48. Red giant 49. White dwarf 50. Neutron star 51. Black hole 52. Quasar