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CANIDAE PURE premium wet dog food is made with real food ingredients, formulated for all dogs, and those with additional sensitivities. With 4-7 key ingredients or less, your dog gets a complete, well-rounded meal crafted with their health and well-being at the forefront. CANIDAE PURE recipes always begin with real meat or fish first (Salmon, Lamb, Duck, Mackerel, Turkey or Chicken), paired with whole foods like sweet potatoes, peas, and egg. And we promise never any fillers - never any corn, wheat or soy. Every recipe includes high-protein ingredients for lean, strong muscles, added probiotics for easy digestion, vitamins/minerals and hard-working antioxidants for overall health and fatty acid blends for healthy skin and coat. Formulated for all life stages and most breed sizes, there is a CANIDAE PURE food that is perfect for your pup.