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An essential guide to business valuation and bankruptcy Business Valuation and Bankruptcy helps you-whether youare an accountant dealing with a troubled company, a lender, aninvestor, a bankruptcy and restructuring lawyer/financial advisor,or a private equity player-to focus on solving everyday and casedeterminative disputes when creditors, lenders, and debtors havediffering views of value.Introducing valuation issues early on in therestructuring/bankruptcy process so you can plan accordingly, thisbook offersMany real life case examples, case descriptions, and tables todemonstrate the applicable sections of the Bankruptcy LawsA review of the methods, applications, pros and cons ofrestructuring with the basic tools to understanding itA description of the life cycle of a troubled company and thevarious stages of a restructuringAn analysis of the valuation issues that confront practitionersin the real world of application of the lawBusiness Valuation and Bankruptcy is written in termsthat are common to bankruptcy professionals and is essential,timely reading for players in the bankruptcy and restructuringenvironment.