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The Ultimate Rolling Bunny Chew Toy. Made from all natural dried yucca (NOT YUCA, which is poisonous). The BunnyBlast is 100-percent biodegradable. Bunnies will roll, toss and chew the natural, soft inner core of this toy for hours of fun.To assure the Bunny Blast is completely 100% natural, we do not use any chemical processing. Therefore we bake allraw material with heat in a kiln. By heating to a core temperature of 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, the processnaturally eradicates/kills any and all pests and organisms. Any dark coloration/scarring on Bunny Blast was caused bymicroflora that is omnipresent on Earth. It once was alive - but is now dead and all that is left is the scarring, much like thescarring on an organic apple.