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Are you tired of not having time to prepare healthy protein for your Bulletproof meals? Are you looking for a convenient way to pack pasture-raised Bulletproof foods when you travel? Upgraded Whey is the answer. Upgraded Whey is the result of meticulous lab-testing and pure pasture-raised whey. The result of years of testing ways to upgrade of the purest pasture-raised whey on earth. Why Upgraded Whey Is Your Secret Weapon. Whey Protein with added Colostrum is minimally processed to keep the integrity and quality of the protein. Whey Protein helps supplement necessary amino acids to help repair our bodies. Upgraded Whey is tested for heavy metals and environmental toxins. What makes Upgraded Whey different? It's Bulletproof. We live this stuff every day because we love it, and it’s made for our own use. Integrity matters. We optimize every decision possible when we make something. The cows that made the milk source of the whey are pasture-raised. The native whey protein concentrate is made from fresh milk, unlike most whey products, which are obtained from a waste product of cheese manufacturing. We use proprietary filtration and drying which involves minimal processing to ensure the whey is not subjected to unsafe temperatures that would destroy the original protein components. This whey is not micro filtered, hydrolyzed, cross-flow filtered, or ion exchanged – all methods that denature the original proteins. There is no rBGH. There are no added fillers. Upgraded Whey is pure whey protein containing only the best ingredients to fuel your mind and body for peak performance. XCT oil powder gives you a sustained burst of energy for maximum mental capacity.