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The latest in spark plug technology – brisk USA is introducing new patented laser technology brisk premium EVO multi-spark plugs. Brisk premium EVO multi-spark plugs are offered as an upgrade of O. E X1:X17(original equipment) factory spark plugs and for its efficiency and performance advantages are frequently used in spec class and NASA racing. The new brisk premium EVO multi-spark plug features 2 serial gaps, where the second gap is formed by 6 parallel electrodes. The result of this electrode configuration is 2 sparks every time the spark plug fires. This spark plug design offers great performance benefits including more horsepower, faster acceleration, more responsive throttle and provides better fuel efficiency. Brisk premium EVO design spark plugs features a unique patented laser technology auxiliary electrode at the tip of the insulator formed using the patented technology of laser deposition. This auxiliary electrode is similar to what is used in brisk premium multi-spark design. With the new laser deposit technology this auxiliary electrode provides a longer lifespan, while still offering a multiple spark discharge. Brisk premium EVO design spark plugs features a series of tapered ground electrodes surrounding the ceramic auxiliary electrode in 360 degrees. Implementing multiple ground electrodes greatly extends the lifespan of the plug and provides open spark fire design that has the capability to fire multiple sparks per each ignition impulse without the need for a multiple discharge ignition system. Two sparks are better than one.