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Reconsider Strategy and Make Planning Relevant In Bringing Strategy Back, strategy expert JeffreySampler cuts through the clutter to reveal exactly why the usualtools of strategy are so sorely out of sync with our needs: windowsof opportunity close far faster than they once did, many of theseopportunities are smaller than they once were, growth rates areuneven across markets, and today's competition is more asymmetricalthan ever. The upshot for managers is that they need to reorienttheir approach to absorb the shocks and surprises that strike at amoment's notice. Only then can strategic planning reliably play itspart.Leaders all around the world at organizations of any size andtype will benefit by shedding their obsolete notions about strategyand becoming more resilient. Bringing Strategy Back rises tothe challenge and presents a new prescriptive model. It introducesfour "strategic shock absorbers" that enable leaders to buildresilient organizations that can withstand even the most unexpectedglobal turbulence. Based on the author's in-depth research in theworld's most tempestuous markets, the model delivers severalmust-have qualities that interact and work together in an ongoingprocess: Accuracy, Agility, Momentum, and Foresight. With this newframework, Bringing Strategy Back shows how to be preparedand proactive, rather than reactive, even when the future isuncertain.