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Product Description (Updated with formatting errors corrected.)♥ Keep your mind young and improve your memory with this enjoyable, relaxing workout for mind and brain. All in large print and easy on the eyes.♥ Experts around world tell us that exercising the brain with challenging puzzles helps keep our mental processes younger and sharper. The improvements these create in cognitive ability can change lives. Individuals of all ages need to keep learning new things, exploring challenges, and solving puzzles to stay young, alert, and at their mental best. The large print and easy-to-read formatting in this book make it perfect for seniors and for anyone wanting to avoid the eye-strain of the small type found in most such books. Types of puzzles include: Crosswords Word Search Word Fit Sudoku Jumbles Trivia Buy this book for yourself, a family member, or friend. You’re never too young or too old to start your mental exercise program. FUN LARGE-TYPE CHALLENGES ♥ Buy One for yourself or a Friend or Loved One. ♥ Review Brain Exercises for Seniors! What a great idea and what a great book! No matteryour age, you should get a copy of this book.The puzzles are fun and the practice will keep your mind fresh. - Eagle Rock Pundit Add puzzles to your daily exercise routinewith "Brain Exercises for Seniors". These fun challenges will help keep yourbrain nimble. - Miami Denizen " Brain Exercises for Seniors is a nice collection of puzzles that will entertain as they help you keep your mind and brain nimble. Large print in a real plus." - Bernadette, Baker Independent News About the Author Jenny Patterson has loved solving word puzzles since she wasa young girl working on crosswords with her English teacher mom. Nevertraveling without a puzzle book, she met The Puzzler on a flight to Australia.He was working on a Sudoku. Together they shared their love of these types ofchallenges and the rest, as they say, is history. Now, with over a dozen booksto their credit, Jenny and The Puzzler continue to work steadily on creatingSudoku and word puzzles for the enjoyment of kids and adults. Before her puzzle-making career, Jenny worked developing curriculum for a prestigiousprivate school in Los Angeles. An important part of her job was ensuring thegradient approach to the child's education, ensuring each level could bemastered before the student went on to the next. By cultivating this high levelof confidence and certainty the school graduated students prepared to succeedin this fast-moving and complicated world. The Puzzler has always enjoyed a good puzzle...obviously. But when he met Jenny, a whole new world opened up - puzzlecreating. Making Sudokus, Crosswords, Word Search puzzles, Jumbles, andany other puzzle style are all a true pleasure for The Puzzler. Now, with dozens of books to their credit, Jenny and ThePuzzler continue to work steadily on creating Sudoku, Mad Words, Joke Books,and Word Puzzles for the enjoyment of kids and adults.