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At the turn of the present century, researchers recognized that dall1aged tissue released chell1ical agents capable of causing catastrophic effects on the whole organisll1 upon enter ing the blood streall1. Following the discovery of histall1ine, these agents at first seell1ed identifiable with biogenic all1ines. However, very soon after the developll1ent of highly selective antagonists, little responsibility was ascribed to the all1ines, and the tissue factors were wrapped once again in ll1ystery. One can ill1agine perhaps and envy the fascinating ll1Oll1ents experienced by the ?ioneers in the kinin field when they realized that plasll1a had an enorll1OUS store of principles endowed with biologic activity, practically indistinguishable froll1 histall1ine, possessing a cOll1plex turnover and regulated by obscure biochell1icalll1echanisll1s. Like other biochell1ical eras, the era of the kinins was opened by a pioneer stage exceptionally long and exciting. After years of arduous isolation, researchers realized that kinins ll1ay not only be the key to unlocking the ll1ystery of histall1ine -like substance s, but alsoll1ay open the way to understanding other basic problell1s in pathology possibly associated with tissue factors.