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Candles work great in a blackout. Unless you don’t have any. Vegetable-oil lamps are more of a sure thing. The needed materials can be found in most kitchens, even where no conscious “prepping” has taken place beforehand. And the operating cost for a vegetable-oil lamp is under a penny per hour, less than any type of candle. This book, Olive Oil Lamps &c., is the second volume in our Non-Electric Lighting Series. It describes 15 different vegetable-oil lamp designs. (And if you count the variations, it’s more like 22 or 23.) These are simple lamps. Each one is pictured. They’re easy to understand, easy to make. Some will even burn semisolid fats (Crisco, margarine, butter, lard) as well as vegetable oil. Knowledge is power. That’s what my college roommate kept repeating to me, all those years ago. And the knowledge in this little book will spare you the helpless feeling you have in a blackout. You know. With the sniffling kids and the wife pretending to be brave? Like whenever the sun goes down it’s bedtime? That sort of thing. It’s really quite easy to gain control. But it’s equally important to know what NOT to do. There’s lots of bogus information around. Wrong information. Dangerous information. YouTube, unfortunately, seems to have more than its share. What part of FIRETRUCK don’t you understand? This book reveals things to be avoided. It will take you roughly half an hour to read this booklet. Afterwards, you will be much better equipped to handle a blackout, whether it finds you at home or traveling far from home. Half an hour? Thirty minutes well spent.