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What is Blood Type Diet?? you’re doing everything right, health-wise. You eat salmon and quinoa, you exercise regularly, you even take the stairs. But if you're still plagued by midday lethargy, digestion issues or just can't lose weight, you might want to take something unorthodox into consideration—your blood type According to Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, author of Eat Right 4 Your Type, whether you’re an A, B, AB or O, your blood type reveals eye-opening things about your personality and your body's needs. Here's what Dr. D'Adamo says about what foods and workouts will help you reach your blood type's fitness goals. TYPE O 3 Character Traits: Focused, leader, energetic Your Diet: Type Os (considered the original blood type) are descendants from hunter-gatherers who relied mainly on animal protein to survive their strenuous lifestyles. Your Personality: You’re known for your leadership skills, extroversion, energy and focus. You consider yourself responsible, decisive, organized, objective, rule-conscious and practical. (Probably because you are.) But if you ever cheat on your diet, stop exercising or slip into a negative mindset (even boredom), watch out. You become angry, hyperactive or even manic. What to Eat: Eat lean beef, lamb, turkey, chicken or fish (like bass, cod, halibut, sole and rainbow trout), kelp, seafood and (in moderation) salt, which lowers your levels of iodine, giving you optimal thyroid function. What to Avoid: You might have difficulty digesting dairy, eggs and gluten, and should avoid wheat germ and wheat products like bread. Beans and legumes should also be avoided when possible, since they mess with your digestion and can wear you out or make you retain fluids. Cruciferous veggies like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and mustard greens should be nixed because they inhibit thyroid function. Dinner Tonight: Lamb and asparagus stew, steamed broccoli and sweet potato, and mixed fruit like blueberries, kiwi, grapes and peaches. Your Workout: It’s especially important for you to work out regularly to stay fit, and exercising will help regulate stomach problems and ulcers you may experience because of your O-ness. Which is fine, since your blood type thrives on physical exercise anyway. Get sweating with the treadmill, swimming, running, cycling and weight training. tag:blood diet,blood type diet o,blood type diet b,blood type cookbook,blood type a diet,blood type a cookbook,blood type ab,blood type book,blood type b supplements,blood type eating,blood type food book,blood type nutrition,blood type o recipes,blood type o cookbook,blood type o positive,blood type o negative,blood type o diet book,blood type recipes,blood type supplements,diet for blood type