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Delicious and nutritious, BIXBI Rawbble Freeze Dried Dog Food combines the whole-animal nutrients of raw dog food with the convenience of dry dog food kibble. Chicken recipe Rawbble is 98% meat, bones and organs to provide your pup with a healthy source of protein and to help give them healthy teeth and gums too. A great alternative to wet dog food and traditional dry dog food, Rawbble uses freeze-dried technology to lock more naturally sourced essential nutrients into every bite. Rawbble is made with no animal meal, added hormones or antibiotics, no added fillers or flavorings, no artificial preservatives or colors, no rendered by-products and is a grain free dog food and gluten free dog food. Our freeze-dried raw dog food requires no refrigeration and is as convenient and portable as other types of dog kibble—simply store in your dog food storage container and scoop into your dog’s bowl for a nutrition boost that supports health. This raw nutrition is ideal for all dog breeds of all ages. BIXBI Pet guarantees our products for quality and freshness. Be advised, we cannot guarantee any products sold by non-authorized third-party sellers. Made in the USA with USDA inspected and passed, USA-sourced cage-free chicken.