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Are you looking for a lightweight yet durable shoulder rest for your violin practice? If this is the case you should continue reading... Introducing The Ultimate 4/4 & 3/4 Violin Shoulder Rest By BENTROP! A violin chin rest manufactured with high-quality ABS plastic to deliver a reliable, portable and handy product that offers comfort and ease. Extra Soft Foam The BENTROP violin shoulder rest has an EVA foamed pad to provide you with maximum convenience and comfortable violin playing. The Ultra-soft must-have violin accessory for any violin virtuoso! Adjust It For The Perfect Fit This wooden-look violin pad allows width and height adjustment for a firm fit and is suitable for 4/4 and 3/4 violin sizes. Adjust your shoulder rest, check your body posture and start performing like never before! Protect your shoulder and chin from any possible injury and enjoy playing your favorite instrument. Our top priority is to provide you with worthwhile and peak-quality products, plus, in the best market prices. Product Features: Made with ABS plastic With EVA foam pad Height & width fully adjustable Lightweight & durable Scroll Up & Click "Add To Card" To Order BENTROP'S Violin Shoulder Rest While Supplies Last! Purchase NOW!