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A glimpse of Don't Touch Me: The group gathers in a circle around the Don't Touch Me! Pad. Each person picks a partner across the circle. Without touching anyone, each person must touch the pad and switch positions with their partner. (The touching rule was discarded for the picture due to the large group in the picture). This event has now been accomplished in under one (1) second. This is due to intense out-of-the-box critical thinking and problem solving. Most groups can get under 10 seconds with some work. Communication: Communication is key to solving this event because of the need to assess many potential solutions. Frequently, good ideas are discarded because of the way it was communicated. Also, it becomes clear that some individuals tend to control the communication. Discussing why this is so, whether it benefits the team and how it impacts the group is an important dialogue to have after the event is over. Just as some individuals tend to control the conversation and communication, others get ignored. As their ideas are presented, no one even acknowledges they have spoken. This is very common in groups and teams and this is a great way to talk about what is happening and how it affects the team. Using this event as a safe space to discuss this, the team can decide how it can change at work to not produce the same behavior. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: In this event, these are almost one in the same. Participants will be required to put on their thinking caps to come up with new solutions to a simple task. What makes this very interesting is that the group is solving a way to make the task more efficient, not to accomplish it. This is frequently required at work, but many times it is difficult for both groups and individuals to see alternative solutions. Don't Touch Me is one of our favorites and is a HUGE hit every time!