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<p> This clear and up-to-date introduction to Administrative Law, written specifically for the paralegal, is a straightforward text that explains how administrative agencies are created, how they are structured, and how they function. Classroom tested through three editions, <b>Basic Administrative Law for Paralegals, Fourth Edition</b>, offers not only a grounding in the basics of Administrative Law but practical advice for employment opportunities for paralegals in the field. </p> <p> <b>Among the features that make this text such a reliable resource:</b> </p> <ul> <li> <b>thorough topical coverage</b>—from how administrative agencies are created to agency discretion, rules and regulations, clients’ rights, investigations, informal and formal proceedings, and judicial review </li> <li> <b>numerous visual aids and learning tools</b>—such as charts and figures, examples, chapter summaries, key terms, and review questions </li> <li> <b>end-of-chapter exercises and resources</b>—including crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and lists of useful websites </li> <li> <b>an electronic workbook on CD bound into the book</b>—providing ample opportunity for practice </li> <li> <b>a chapter dedicated to paralegal skills and careers</b>—delving into career opportunities for paralegals in both the private and public sectors </li> </ul> <p> <b>New to the Fourth Edition:</b> </p> <ul> <li> <b>the electronic workbook has been thoroughly updated </b>and offers research exercises and guidance for accessing laws, rules, and agencies online </li> <li> the “Paralegal Practice” boxes contain <b>new topics</b>, including retirement and immigration law </li> <li> <b>updated forms</b> </li> </ul> <p> This current, affordable text, directed exclusively at the paralegal, is an excellent ch