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From "Masked Rider Drive", "DX Shift Triedron" appears! It is! Transform to type Triedron! It is! When you press the transformation button, the multicolor LED will fire and the picture will appear! It is! Set of optional breath! It is! Operate lever! It is! Voice of optional belt and shift car multiplied Kamen Rider DRIVE TYPE TRAIDLON! It is! New ability "Tire Oysters Mazerle" invoked! It is! Press the combo button to select the shift car! It is! LED lights up, a picture appears! The color changes according to the shift car.Tire oyster mazere activates all 7 types of sound! It is! "br" Product Code / 4543112963932 "br" Package Size / About H205 ~ W150 ~ D50mm "br" Package Weight / 320g "br" Batteries / LR44 ~ 3 (Supplied) "br" Country of Origin / Br" œ Unit / 1 piece œ Target age 3 years old ~ ¦ (C) 2014 Ishimori Pro ? TV Asahi ? ADK ? Toei ¦ ¦ Please read the product description carefully when using Please use it ¦ ¦ ST mark acquisition product "br"