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A good pet diaper not merely can help the pet spend physical period but also can prevent breeding bacteria, you needn't worry about the sanitary problem while you are having fun with your pets. this diaper can also cover the smell of female dog to prevent the sexual harassment. With a hole which especially for tail, you still can enjoy every moment she wags her tail to said she is happy to stay with you. SIZE : xxs xs s m l xl WAIST : 5.5-11(in) 5.9-13(in) 7.5-14.5(in) 9.5-16.1(in) 11-19.7(in) 15.7-25.6(in) WEIGHT : 1.1-3.3(Ib) 2.2-4.4 (Ib) 4.4-11(Ib) 8.8-15.4(Ib) 13.2-35.4(Ib) 35.3-70.6(Ib)