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The Avnet BCM4343W IoT Starter Kit enables designers to easily prototype cloud-connected IoT designs and then rapidly move from development to production with a pre-certified wireless SoC module. The Starter Kit features an ArduinoTM form-factor baseboard and pre-certified Avnet BCM4343W SoC module. This WiFi+BLE+MCU module combines an advanced Broadcom® combo 2.4GHz 802.11 b/g/n WiFi and Bluetooth® 4.1 SoC, together with 8Mb of SPI Serial Flash and an STM32F411 ARM® CortexTM M4 Microcontroller with 512KB Flash and 128KB SRAM. The baseboard includes access to the MCU's various peripherals via Arduino compatible headers as well as a 2x6 format peripheral connector, allowing connection to a range of expansion boards for sensors, motors, digital I/O and analog inputs. Application development is supported by Broadcom's WICEDTM Software Development Kit (SDK), which includes compiled and optimized Amazon Web services (AWS) IoT device libraries. The starter kit simplifies cloud connectivity for designers in a variety of IoT market segments, including industrial automation, building automation and smart home appliances. More information can be found at and