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Please check the Size Chart before order. If you are not sure the size, please send message to us. Size Chart(cm/inch) ❀Size:M -Waist: 68-78cm/26.8-30.7" -- Hip: 104cm/40.9" --Inseam:40cm/15.7"-- Length: 66cm/26.0" ❀Size:L --Waist: 72-82cm/28.3-32.3" --Hip: 106cm/41.7" --Inseam:41cm/16.1" ---Length: 67cm/26.4" ❀ Size:XL --Waist: 76-86cm/29.9-33.9"-- Hip: 108cm/42.5"-- Inseam:42cm/16.5" --Length: 68cm/26.8" ❀Size:XXL --Waist: 80-90cm/31.5-35.4"-- Hip: 110cm/43.3"-- Inseam:43cm/16.9" --Length: 69cm/27.2" (=^∶^=)【ABOUT SIZE: 】 Asian sizes,(if you wear S in US, better tochoose M, if you wear M, better to choose L), reasoning like this, recommended to choose 1-2sizes up than usual for more loose fitting. Please see carefully the size details below indescription before you choose one size, Thank you for your understand, Hope you have ahappy shopping experience ) (=^∶^=)【ABOUTSALE SERVICE: 】 When you receive your items, if you have anyquestion, just contact us by E-mail, we will response you on 24 hours and try our best to dofor you ♫ ❤️ ♪ ❤️ ♫ ❤️ ♪ ❤️ ♫ ❤️ ♪ ❤️ ♫ ❤️ ♪ ❤️ ♫ ❤️ ☀ ❤️ ♪ ❤️ ♫ ☀ ❤️ ♫ ❤️ ♪ ❤️ ♫ ❤️ ♪