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This beautiful painting is 100% hand-painted oil painting provided by ARTLAND. Environmentally-Friendly Oil We only use museum quality paint since it is environmentally-friendly and never fades. Your painting will look good for years to come. Skilled Artists We employ a group of professional artists. Each artist has more than 10 years experience . We assure you that every piece of art created is exquisite. Competitive Pricing We always offer the lowest prices possible while never compromising on quality. Due to the difference of monitor colors, some painting colors may vary slightly.We try to represent all oil paintings colors accurately. Please refer to the text above for a description of the colors shown in the photo. The painter created a few newborn kingfisherson canvas.The whole picture is colorful, especially red and yellow,blue and white have a strong contrast , the most forward three birds seem vivid, full of childlike cute ,it seems the birds want to get out of the screen and fly to the beautiful sky, also expressed their desire of life and the vitality of spring. In the details, compared with the straight bird mouth, graceful curves make the picture more engaging butwithout monotonous. Various shapes of the birds and their eyes were in all directions,just like they were chatting and let people feel the lively and exciting scene. The author created this piece of canvas with a joyful mood and intended to convey to the viewer a positive spirit.Everyone will encounter setbacks and sufferings in life,but the mentality is really the most important, the attitude that birds desire to the new life and longing for the blue sky is worth every one of us to learn.