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Low Profile IN BOX for Foam Wall Systems Recessed electrical box with weatherproof-in-use extra-duty cover. Adjustable to fit any foam board thickness. Non-metallic cover and base. Accepts most single gang wiring devices and uses standard indoor wall plates or a GFCI cover plate. Box and white cover are textured/ paintable. UV rated plastic for long outdoor life.Features and BenefitsIN BOX's one-piece assembly replaces the installation of an electrical box and bubble cover assembly.Adjustable flange depth fits any foam board thickness or custom finish in concrete block and stucco applications.Installs in the wall, so less of it shows outside.Adjusts for finishes from 1/4" to 2-1/2" thick - in walls, from 2-3/4" to 5" deep.Install option: Cover is removable for easier device installation.No gaskets required.VerticalClear Cover