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Product Description Aramaic Light on Galatians through Hebrews, New Testament Series Volume 6, is a unique commentary based on Aramaic, the language of Jesus, and on ancient Near/Middle Eastern customs and manners. This volume presents new insights into and understanding of Paul's letters, his use of Semitic idiomatic expressions, admonitions and teachings that he wrote to the churches throughout the Roman Empire. The method and style of writing is simple, informative, and scholarly, without using specialized theological terminology. Dr. Errico and Dr. Lamsa act as guides, revealing to the Western reader a more intimate picture of the socio-religious and psychological environment of the times. They clarify many misunderstood statements and teachings that Paul discusses in his epistles to Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus' gospel, such as: The Bewitched Galatians; The so-called Second Coming of Christ; Sitting in Heavenly Places with Christ; The dispensation of the Mystery; Married Couples Relationships; Risen with Christ; Doctrines of Devils; Qualifications for Ministry; The Mysterious Melchisdec; and more. This volume is not just a revision of Dr. Lamsa's commentaries, New Testament Commentary, 1945, and More Light on the Gospel, 1968. Dr. Errico has edited, expanded and annotated these previous works in the new format that Dr. Lamsa desired. In addition, this book contains unpublished information that the two of them outlined prior to Dr. Lamsa's death in 1975. Dr Errico completed these comments and has added information derived from his continual research in Near Eastern Semitic studies. About the Author DR. ROCCO A. ERRICO, Ph.D., D.D., is an ordained minister, author and lecturer and one of the nations’s leading biblical scholars working from the original Aramaic texts. Dr. Errico is the recipient of numerous awards and academic degrees, including a doctorate in Letters from the College of Seminarians, The Apostolic Succession of Antioch and the Church of the East—American See, a doctorate in Divinity from St. Ephrem’s Institute in Sweden, and a doctorate in Philosophy from the School of Christianity in Los Angeles. For ten years he studied intensively with Dr. George M. Lamsa, world-renowned native Assyrian scholar of the Scriptures. In 1970 Dr. Errico established the Noohra Foundation, which is dedicated to helping people of all faiths to understand the Near Eastern background and Aramaic interpretation of the Bible. GEORGE M. LAMSA, Th.D. (1892-1975) was born in a civilization with customs, manners and language almost identical to those in the time of Jesus. His native tongue was full of similar idioms and parables, untouched by the outside world in 1900 years. Dr. Lamsa’s formal education began under the priests and deacons of the ancient Church of the East and he later graduated with the highest honors ever bestowed from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Colleges in Iran and Turkey. After arriving in the United States, he devoted his life to translating the Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text and also authored numerous biblical commentaries.