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Premium Pool Chlorine Dispenser with Thermometer by Aquatix Pro For a Picture Perfect Finish! - Is cleaning your swimming pool a tall order? - Are you worried about algae and bacteria growth in your pool? - Are you looking for a quick and easy solution? - Are you concerned about the safety of your kids? Introducing the Premium Aquatix Pro Pool Dispenser to Put Your Life at Ease! - Premium quality dispenser makes pool maintenance a simple task. - Totally carefree, insert the tablet, lock the cap and set your life free! - Childproof, locking cap provides a safe and fun environment for all! - Adjustable ring for complete flexibility and control. - Built in thermometer provides accurate water reading, no more second guessing! - Built to last, will not break. Buy once and never look back! - Easy to store away and clean. Amazon Buyers Trust Our Aquatix Pro Brand to be Premium Quality Products If The Above Was Not Enough, You Also Have Our 1 Year Product Warranty for a Complete Peace of Mind! We Cannot Guarantee this Special Pricing, So Be Sure to Click Buy Now!