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Also known as "false spider crabs" Thai Micro Crabs are tiny, fully aquatic crabs that so far haveonly been found in one specific river in Thailand. They are a very new and rare addition to theaquarium hobby, making them extremely difficult to find in any pet shop or even online. This isone of the very few types of crab that can live fully immersed in water at all times, so they areable to be kept in any freshwater aquarium. Due to their small size, these tiny pet crabs poselittle or no threat to most fish or other aquarium ecosystem inhabitants; however, aggressivefish or animals may come after them. They tend to do very well in tanks with dwarf shrimp,such as Blue Velvet Shrimp, Green Jade Shrimp, or Rili Shrimp, as well as snails, like Black DevilSnails, Limpet Snails, and Red Racer Snails. These crabs are pale silver colored under aquarium LED lights and resemble spiders inappearance because of their unusually giant legs relative to their bodies. They are not prone toclimbing out of tanks like other types of crabs do, and usually prefer to stay deep under waterwithout approaching the surface. NOTE: These crabs are EXTREMELY small, so we recommendthem for the experienced nano animal keeper ONLY. Thai Micro Crabs don't grow any larger than 1/2 inch in diameter (including their leg-span),making them great for small and nano aquariums. Their spider-like appearance makes themperfect for tanks with macabre scenery, such as a crypt, coffin, bones, and skeleton or skullfigurines. The way they eat is similar to Bamboo Shrimp - they filter particles out of the waterusing the tiny hair on their claws. CARE GUIDELINES:- Temperature: 72° - 82° F (22° - 28° C)- pH: 6.5 - 8.0- KH: 6 - 15 dKH- Minimum tank size: 2 gallons- Average adult size: 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) in diameter- Average purchase size: 1/4 - 1/