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Questions & Answers: Q1: Dose it come with the monitor? A: No. A purchase of Aogek MaskTouch only includes the MaskTouch overlay. It is able to change any iMac into a touchscreen in three seconds without the need to install any software. Q2: Does this replace the glass screen, or is it attached to it? A: MaskTouch attaches magnetically to the front of the iMac and plugs into the usb port. You do not change anything on the computer or remove the glass. Q3: It’s plugged in and nothing is happening. How do I troubleshoot? A:To ensure the product is on, put your MaskTouch on a flat surface for testing. Observe the LED status when you touch it. The LED light should be blue, otherwise please contact our technical supporter. Q4: Does MaskTouch fit a 27’’ Cinema Display also, or only the iMac? A: MaskTouch is only made for iMac. We have 27” and 21.5” sizes.