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BANISH FOG, MEET SPARKLE!Hey there, clarity seekers! We see eye to eye.Foggy glasses, mirrors, and windows are a conundrum that has confounded and baffled clear-minded individuals for centuries.But with some time, effort, and consultation with experts, we've solved it. Finally.WHY SHOULD I CHOOSE YOUR PRODUCT? THERE ARE PLENTY TO CHOOSE FROM!Yes, we asked that question too.And we worked hard so we could deliver a good answer. Those other sprays will work well for one surface but won't do so well on others.And when you have a specific coating on your lens, it gets really hard to find an effective solution. That's why we're your answer.Our spray performs perfectly on all materials and coatings. Guaranteed. EXPERIENCE INSTANT CLEAR RESULTS!Many other sprays necessitate a long wait. Some even take 20 minutes until you can wipe it off. Our spray provides instant fog protection.Just apply a small amount of anti-fog onto the lens, use your fingers to rub evenly across the lens area, and rinse thoroughly for a few seconds. Just like that, and you'll be protected from fogging.FOG GONE BY OPTIX 55:✔ Spray, rub, and rinse✔ Safe and effective for many different surface types and coatings✔ Effective for rifle/gun scopes, binoculars, and telescopes✔ Defogs instantly✔ Non-toxic, natural, and hypoallergenic✔ Long lasting✔ Streak-free✔ 4 fl oz | 60mlABOUT OPTIX 55!We believe innovation is the key to delivering quality products.We had enough of the status quo, and wanted to create a defogging solution that would kick the competition.After much time, effort, and consultation with experts, we've done just that.Pick up a bottle of our magic today and get the real deal in defogging sprays. We can't wait to thrill you.