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Anello is one of the top fashion backpack style companies in Asian now. Our backpack 100% imported from Japan and all official Anello products. Therefore, our backpack the price is more since we need to meet with the Manufacture suggestion price. Anello is design from Japan and made in China. But our product is 100% from Anello and with all the tag from Japan. ATTENTION: We sell the official Anello products and we have list the Sale Certificate on each listing to proof. All our product get from Marutaya Co., LTD they are Anello partner company, we welcome any customer contact Anello and they will proof Marutaya is their authorization dealer to deal with international wholesale customers. (Anello do not sell overseas wholesale) and our Sale Certificate is sign by Marutaya. So our product is 100% official and we are the only company in USA can show this to proof. In additional Anello DO NOT have any website or office in USA.Also, now a lot Just Launched account on Amazon, a lot of them are scam account, so it is risk to purchase from them and most of them will be lower than our price, but they will not know the product to ship to you. Also they are NOT Official products for sure. Customers please BE CAREFUL. Anello Top-Handle / Cross-Body bag features:- Light Weight- Zip on top and front. - Inside backpack has 2 pockets to put cellphone, wallet or keys. - Come with removable belt- Large handle can easy to carry- Wide Open Top Handle Bag (Fit 7-10 inches Tablet)- Fashion style for Work, Casual. Unisex good for Women