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Works With Fuel Injection Models.EV27 Grind/.495 Lift.Bolt-In Street Cam With Fast Open and Close Ramps.Similar in Timing to EV3 but Designed to Produce a Very Broad Torque Band.Excellent Cam for Full Dress Touring Bikes.Pulls 1500 to 6000 RPM.Note: Measurement of Cam and Pinion Gears Is Especially Critical for 90 and Later Models to Verify Proper Fit.Specification Readings Are as Follows, With Timing and Duration Measured at .053 Cam Lift.Intake Timing Open: 20.Intake Timing Closed: 36.Intake Valve Duration: 236.Intake Lift: .495Exhaust Timing Open: 44.Exhaust Timing Closed: 16.Exhaust Valve Duration: 240.Exhaust Lift: .495Please Note: The Image Displayed Is Representative of the Item, but May Vary Slightly Depending on Your Specific Model.Fits the Following HARLEY Models:EVO BIG TWIN (84-99)