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Agricultural employment is plagued with one of the highest levelsof mortality among occupational groups in the United States, makingthe health and safety of farmers, farm workers, and farm residentsa leading priority for epidemiologists, occupational health andsafety professionals, rural health providers, public healthpractitioners, and extension agents and educators.Satisfying a growing need for a textbook on this significantaspect of public health, Agricultural Medicine is the firstcomprehensive textbook and reference for students of public healthand health professionals in the field of rural medicine.Agricultural health and safety engages a multidisciplinary team ofmedical professionals, engineers, sociologists, epidemiologists,and psychologists for whom this book is an overdue yet essentialreference.The authors bring a combined 60 years of practice, research,teaching, and scholarship in agricultural medicine to the designand content of this book. Their farm background and ownership addpracticality and relevancy to their presentation. An overview ofthe industry and workforce—agricultural production in theglobal economy, demographics of the workforce, regulations,statistics, and organizations targeting agricultural health andsafety—provides context for the broad but thorough coverageof diseases, infectious and toxic agents, and potential injuries towhich agricultural populations are exposed daily.