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In this high-level treatment, the author provides a modern conceptual approach to multivariable calculus, emphasizing the interplay of geometry and analysis via linear algebra and the approximation of nonlinear mappings by linear ones. At the same time, the book gives equal attention to the classical applications and computational methods responsible for much of the interest and importance of this subject. Beginning with a discussion of Euclidean space and linear mappings, Professor Edwards (University of Georgia) follows with a thorough and detailed exposition of multivariable differential and integral calculus. Among the topics covered are the basics of single-variable differential calculus generalized to higher dimensions, the use of approximation methods to treat the fundamental existence theorems of multivariable calculus, iterated integrals and change of variable, improper multiple integrals and a comprehensive discussion, from the viewpoint of differential forms, of the classical material associated with line and surface integrals, Stokes' theorem, and vector analysis. The author closes with a modern treatment of some venerable problems of the calculus of variations. Intended for students who have completed a standard introductory calculus sequence, the book includes many hundreds of carefully chosen examples, problems, and figures. Indeed, the author has devoted a great deal of attention to the 430 problems, mainly concrete computational ones, that will reward students who solve them with a rich intuitive and conceptual grasp of the material.