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Lean, Agile, and the Toyota Production System are transforming everything… how cars are made, software is designed, health care is delivered, even how utilities provide service. Waste and inefficiency are being driven from every aspect of business… except internal auditing. Until now! Mashing up principles from all three, Active Auditing teaches you how to… A) Get more internal audit work done in less time, B) Build closer relationships with your audit clients, C) Anticipate obstacles and install countermeasures before they derail your engagements, D) Avoid conflicts and celebrate successes, E) Create shared purpose with your audit clients and act as a single combined team. Created and tested in the real world, Active Auditing combines visual management tools, iterative audit execution, and energetic collaboration to create a whole new way to manage internal audits. Regardless of your organization or environment, you can use these tools to do internal audit work in a better, more rewarding, and more efficient way.