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Rooted in the evidence-based practices of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Occupational Science, Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, this undated planner is designed to create vitality in your life by building: Clarity of values - knowing what matters most to you Intentional actions - moving toward your values with your actions Psychological flexibility - helping us roll with challenges that will arise Mindfulness - deepening our engagement in the present moment with curiosity, openness, and non-judgement Helpful habits with flexibility Gratitude - deepening joy and present moment awareness Reflection - noting how our actions and experiences impact our lives Awareness - reflections to build authentic, intentional action Also mixed into the science, we have included wholehearted, soulful reflection, magic making, and wild wonder.Author, Carlyn Neek, BA, BScOT, created this journal drawing on her experiences in clinical practice specializing in occupational therapy with a mental health focus.In her practice, Neek has observed people feeling stuck and limited in their ability to implement the actions needed to build the fulfillment and satisfaction in a life they desire. Often individuals don't know what it is they are looking for, but they know that staying on the same track will lead to more angst, resentment, anxiety, exhaustion, numbing, avoiding, and even physical illness.Many can't see the path from where they are, feeling stuck, depressed and unfulfilled, to a more engaged life, living their values, showing up fully in the world as the person they are inside, aligned and attuned.Carlyn Neek has designed this undated planner to be picked up whenever someone is ready to have a plan for positive change and is looking to follow steps toward intentional, calm and valued living.READERS NOTE: This journal is not about burning down your life and then rebuilding. It's about growing awareness and gently shaping our lives to build lasting vitality.