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ACANA Paleo dog food is a protein-rich, delicious food based on the evolutionary diet of canines. This grain-free, nutrient-dense dog food is modeled after the meat-rich, varied diet that dogs have naturally evolved to eat. With 60% premium wild boar, free-run turkey, and tender rabbit, ACANA Paleo delivers all the protein and vitamins your growing dog needs to be happy and healthy. Half of the animal ingredients used are delivered fresh (refrigerated, without preservatives) or raw (flash-frozen, without preservatives) to provide a concentrated and natural source of animal protein and fat. The remaining 40% of the ingredients list comes from fresh vegetables, fruit, and botanicals, with no grains, potatoes, or plant protein concentrates. This protein-rich dog food is ideal for all breeds in all stages of life. Because your dog is a beloved member of the family, ACANA insists on using only Biologically Appropriate ingredients that help them thrive. Made exclusively in our DogStar Kitchen, our foods feature regional ingredients that supply nutrients in their most natural and nourishing form. Each ACANA food also follows the WholePrey philosophy, mirroring the quantities of meat, organs, cartilage, and bone found in whole prey animals. The result is a nutritious, delicious dog food that empowers your dog to live a healthy, happy life.