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Product Description A Sky Without Eagles is the first printed collection of The Way of Men author Jack Donovan's essays and speeches. Beginning with his viral hit, "Violence is Golden," A Sky Without Eagles assembles Donovan's best standalone commentary from 2010 through 2014. In his straightforward but disarmingly sincere style, Donovan channels the widespread disillusionment and frustration of men in the increasingly restrictive developed world. A Sky Without Eagles covers race realism, criticizes feminism's degenerative influence on masculinity, and in the title speech, laments the lack of virtue and nobility in American leadership. Donovan wrote three new essays for A Sky Without Eagles. The first, "Train For Honor," deals with his search for meaning in strength training."CROM!" sums up Donovan's agnostic take on what kind of religion men need today. This collection concludes with "The Brotherhood" -- Donovan's imagining of a better, manlier and more spiritually unified tribe of men. Table of Contents Preface Violence Is Golden A Sky Without Eagles (Speech Transcript - NEW) Anarcho-Fascism Mighty White Vote With Your Ass The Grievance Table There Is No Honor In Competition With Women Mother May I? Masculinity Draw The Line Everyone A Harlot Train For Honor (NEW) The Physical Challenge (NEW) Principles of Convenience The Manly Barbarian Becoming The New Barbarians (Speech Transcript) CROM! (NEW) The Brotherhood (NEW) Review "I loved reading "Violence is Golden". It was provocative and inspiring. I enjoyed it so much that I shared it online and was stunned by how much controversy it created. (I'm sure that those that "violently" opposed the views of Mr. Donovan, missed the irony of their anger). Embracing violence doesn't mean you must be violent ... as a self-defense consultant, it means you must understand violence so that you can do your best to intercept it. In a real fight, when you are the target, it's not who's right that matters, its who's left." - Tony Blauer, Blauer Tactical Systems "With this collection, Jack Donovan clearly demonstrates his deep and prescient understanding of a very particular type of man: at once revolutionary and traditional - an outsider amongst outsiders. But Donovan goes further than mere understanding, for in his use of physiological warfare against epistemological enslavement, he offers each of us an escape route from the promise of a deracinated and emasculated future." - Mark Dyal, Ph.D., author of Ultras Contra Modernity: Romans in Revolt (Arktos, 2014). "Jack Donovan has produced a fascinating collection of straightforward essays that leave no sacred icon of contemporary times unassailed. The contents of this book represent the nightmares of every self-assured Marxist professor, shrill feminist ideologue, or smarmy liberal journalist. This is the book to hand out to baby faced university freshmen who have had the misfortune of being forced to sit through totalitarian humanist indoctrination sessions." - Keith Preston, Attack the System: A New Anarchist Perspective for the 21st Century "Jack Donovan writes what most men think." - Mike Smock, Pulse Firearms "I read Jack Donovan because he's one of the few men writing about male issues with the skill and passion of a Roxane Gay or Margaret Atwood." - Chuck Palahnuik. Author, "Fight Club" (Hollywood Reporter 2018) About the Author Jack Donovan is the author of The Way of Men. He writes about masculinity and tribalism.