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"A Schizophrenic Will: A Story of Madness, A Story of Hope" is an inspirational autobiographical account of living with the dreaded disease of schizophrenia. His story is one of strong mind, strong body, and strong love. The journey begins with his first serious psychotic break from reality as a teenager and ends with him being a respected, published medical library Chief at the number one psychiatric research institute in the world, NYSPI, affiliated with Columbia University. One thing that makes his story a wonder to read is the sheer number of challenges he faces head-on and, ultimately, overcomes. Mr. Jiang’s story is an unforgettable, uplifting personal history to be read and savored. Not only is his autobiography difficult to put down once picked up, but A Schizophrenic Will: A Story of Madness, A Story of Hope leaves the reader wanting more, after the tale is told.