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Light: Full sun Fruit size: 30 to 50 pounds Matures: 75 to 90 days Plant spacing: 36 to 60 inches apart Plant size: Long vine Black Diamond is a classic oblong watermelon with a black-green rind covering bright red, crisp, flavorful flesh. In the 1950s, Black Diamond was a very popular home garden variety. Fruits have gray-black seeds (perfect for seed spitting contests) and can grow quite large. In Arkansas, where it's rumored to have been developed, local gardeners recommend this melon for greased watermelon contests: Simply grease the melon, place it into a child's plastic swimming pool, and get ready for some fun as the kids chase it and try to grab it! Drought-resistant and prolific. Planting In warmer climates, can be direct sown 1" deep once soil is above 75. For cooler climates, start seedlings 2-3 weeks before last frost and place in final spacing of 3-4ft. on 6 ft. rows. Loose, fertile soil in full sun will ensure a good crop. For sweeter melons, reduce watering in the last month before harvest. If direct seeding, don't plant seed till the soil temperature is 70 degrees or more. Watermelons are originally from Africa and need heat to grow well. If you do not have a long hot summer choose an organic variety that is quick to ripen. Because we want to get an early start we normally plant watermelon seed in four inch containers inside a greenhouse. For Best Eating: Water until the fruits are about the size of a tennis ball then only water if the plant totally dry. The best tasting organic melons are concentrated in flavor because they are not over-watered. Seeding Rate: 5,000 plants/acre, aproximately 1/2 lb. Heirloom seeds are hardy but always take care with your garden seeds to give them the appropriate amount of moisture - not letting the vegetable seeds dry out prematurely or overwatering and possibly having them rot.