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21 Days of Grace is the first book in the Fiction Lover's Devotional series--collections of shortfictional stories followed by brief Life Applications, each chapterwritten by a different author.Love fiction? Looking for a devotional? This book is for you!Don't you just love reading fictional stories about characters you can relate to, who experience situations similar to your own, and learn from those examples how to live out your faith? Don't you find that life lessons are more easily absorbed that way?But when you have your quiet time with the Lord, you want something with a bit more depth ... and a little bit shorter, right?21 Days of Grace fits that need. This first book in the Fiction Lover's Devotional series is a collection of engaging, inspirational short fiction stories written by new, intermediate, and well-known authors including Angela Hunt, Deborah Raney, Cindy Woodsmall, Tracy Higley, Cecil Murphey, DiAnn Mills, Robin Bayne, and more.Like Jesus' parables, these stories deal with important life issues in a subtle, unpressured manner. And, as Jesus did, the authors follow up with life applications based on the stories, suggesting how the inherent lessons can be applied to the reader's daily life.You can take this purse-sized devotional with you wherever you go, to read when you have a few minutes of down time ... on vacation, while you're waiting for the kids, sitting in a doctor's office, anytime you want some "inspiration on the go."Or read these stories over breakfast, at lunch break, before bed, or curled up in your favorite chair with a cup of coffee or tea. They are sure to provide insight, encouragement, and refreshment for your soul.