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2019-2020 SEA OTTERS 15 MONTHS GOALS DAILY HOURLY PLANNER - HOURLY APPOINTMENT CALENDAR WITH 15 MINUTE/QUARTERLY HOURLY INTERVAL (DATE FROM JANUARY 2019 - MARCH 2020)(Includes 5 Pages of Address Book with Birthdays & Email Address, and 6 Pages of Notes Section) SUITED FOR PROFESSIONALS & STUDENTS: With the 15 minute interval panned out in a vertical manner daily, professionals such as salesperson or a business owner (hair dressor, realtor) can plan their appointments or meetings to the dot, not wasting any time in between. You can open to the current date and see the entire week across 2 open pages.❤️ SUITED FOR ADHD SUFFERERS: With the 15 minute interval and the week opened up in 2 pages side by side, ADHD sufferers can schedule everything to the dot, even your stretch breaks, food breaks. Keep you on track minute by minute so you would not get behind.⭐️ QUOTES ON THE BEGINNING OF EVERY MONTH: At the beginning of every month, there would be a ACTION quote to motivate you. The quotes include:~ You represent what you have done. So act now! ~~ Your adventures start today, if you are willing to get started. ~~ Stop talking, act. Stop saying, show. ~✅ INCLUDE IMPORTANT DETAILS: Includes 5 Pages of Address Book with Birthdays & Email Address, PLUS 6 Pages of Writing Space for Notes. MONTHLY TO-DO LIST IN ONE SHOT: Every month, you are provided with a 2 page spread of that month's calendar. There is ample Writing Space for Monthly Goals & Notes. Added Julian Dates specially for people working on astrology and computer programming.⭐️ WEEKLY REVIEW: There are extra sections each week to write your top goals this Week, to do list, as well as a review of the whole week.❤️ UNITED STATES U.S. & UNITED KINGDOM (INCLUDES SCOTLAN