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Warning: Incorrect installation or door position can cause injure, torsion spring rods are not for use on winding cones larger than 33/64" in diameter. Notice: Torsion spring winding rods come sort of oil to prevent rust. Product Description: ★Torsion springs, extension springs, and related door hardware can cause serious injury or death if not handled and installed properly. Professional installation is recommended. Do NOT attempt to install springs or hardware yourself unless you have the proper tools, reasonable mechanical aptitude and experience, and upper arm strength. Read and understand all instructions before you begin work. Extension and torsion springs, along with attached hardware, are under extreme tension at all times. All tension must be released from springs before any work is performed. ★Torsion spring winding rod is constructed of hard drawn wire and come in 1/2", outside diameters about 18" lengths. ★Winding rod which are designed specifically for increasing (winding) and decreasing (unwinding) the tension on garage door torsion springs, and they are the only tools recommended for this purpose,winding cones should be wound and unwound 1/4 turn at a time.