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Exotic Massage Oil Blend: sensual and romantic, the oil carries sweet notes and earthy undertones. 1/2 cup apricot kernel oil 20 drops lavender essential oil 15 drops cedar essential oil 8 drops bergamot essential oil 2 drop ylang ylang essential oil Pour the apricot kernel oil into a small, clean glass bottle. Add the essential oils. Roll bottle between palms to blend, or stir with a spoon or swizzle stick. Shake before each use. Basil-Orange Massage Oil This oil is mentally stimulating and physically energizing. 1/2 cup apricot kernel oil 20 drops basil essential oil 10 drops sweet orange essential oil Pour the apricot kernel oil into a small, clean glass bottle. Add the essential oils. Roll bottle between palms to blend, or stir with a spoon or swizzle stick. Shake before each use. Apricot & Aloe Eye Cream Rich and creamy, this formula will help to minimize fine lines. Apply nightly before bed. 1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil 1 teaspoon grated beeswax 1/2 teaspoon pure aloe vera gel 3 drops grapefruit seed essential oil 1 vitamin E capsule Place the beeswax and apricot kernel oil in the top of a double boiler. Heat gently until the beeswax has completely melted; remove from the heat. Using a wooden spoon, blend in the aloe gel. Allow to cool slightly and add essential oil and the contents of the vitamin E capsule. Stir well to combine everything, then pour the mixture into a small jar. Let cool and cap tightly.