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This book is intended for beginning through intermediate Cognos Report Studio Developers who are looking to reach the advanced levels of development. This is not a how-to book, but instead a "what you should do" book. You will not find screen shots showing you how to construct a report, what property you should change etc. Reading this will not teach you how to use Report Studio and it is assumed you know the basics of report construction and primary capabilities of Report Studio. What you will find are some of the underlying keys to understanding how you should approach report development with Report Studio, where to focus your mental energies, development tips that make it easier for you to find and fix your problems, how to overcome limitations in Report Studio and more. This concise booklet is written by an experienced Report Studio trainer (Ex-Cognos trainer), and hands on developer with over 30 years of hands-on IT experience and 8 years of in class and virtual technical training experience who consistently gets positive reviews for simple technical explanations. Ray has taught at least 500 people how to use Report Studio and from that experience, has learned how to explain it for maximum understanding, and more importantly, has come to see the underlying principles so important to becoming and Advanced Report Studio Developer. He shares some of those principles here in this booklet. There’s even a bonus 11th tip.